We Are Charleston Synopsis

In this book, Charleston-based authors Herb Frazier, Dr.Bernard Powers Jr. and Majory Wentworth explore the murderous rage of white supremacist Dylan Roof as a way to explain the racialied history of not only Charleston but alson the nation. It is the history that made Rof’s horrendous crime at Mounter Emanuel possible the night of June 17, 2015.

We Are Charleston also explains the origins and nature of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church and the position of Mother Emanuel in the denomination, in Charleston, and in the history of the United States. Without this understanding we cannont fully grasp the meaning of what happened and why Mother Emanuel was the killer’s target.

The authors, renowned in their fields of expertise, are no stranges to Mother Emanuel. Cobiniing their award-winning talents as journalist, historian, and poet in the writing of this book, each has close friends or relatives in the church, and in fact, Frazier grew up in the congregation where his grandmother and father were members.

Herb Frazier
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